Qu'est-ce que rakudai kishi no cavalry manga ?

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry manga is a Japanese light novel series written by Riku Misora and illustrated by Won. The series follows the story of a young boy named Ikki Kurogane who dreams of becoming a magical knight but is considered to be a failure by his family and society. Despite this, he never gives up and continues to work hard to achieve his dream.

The story takes place in a world of magic and swords where every student is trained to become a Knight. Ikki is enrolled in Hagun Academy, a school for students with magical powers. At the academy, he meets Stella Vermillion, a princess from another kingdom who is also a student at the school. Stella is known as the strongest student at the academy and has been undefeated in battles. However, Ikki is determined to defeat her and prove himself to be a powerful knight.

The story focuses on Ikki's journey to become a powerful knight and his relationship with Stella. As the two train together, they begin to develop feelings for each other. However, their relationship faces many obstacles, including rivals who are envious of the bond they share.

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry manga is an exciting series full of action, romance, and adventure. It has gained a lot of popularity among fans of manga and anime and has been adapted into an anime series.